Hello Spooky Spuds,
To me my boyfriend isn't just my boyfriend, he's also my best friend. He's someone who makes me feel beautiful in every sense of the word but he's also someone I can be crude and ridiculously disgusting around too. Here is a list of a few things I've picked up on over the last three years that made me realise Chris is my best friend as well as my boyfriend...
1. Farting around each other isn't embarrassing.
I remember when Chris and I got together and the idea of doing anything even remotely gross around him for the first month seemed like a no go to me. Three years later things couldn't be more different and I love provoking expressions of sheer disgust when I fart around him and do other weird and disgusting things.
2. He doesn't care about what I look like.
I spent the first few months we were together putting so much effort into the way I looked. Everything from the colour of my nail polish, to matching underwear, complete with stockings, to choosing a cute outfit everyday, was given so much thought. Now he's lucky if I even bother to brush my hair and the thought of wearing a bra at all is laughable. I'm sure he wouldn't complain if I decided to put more effort in on a daily basis again but Chris really doesn't care what state I turn up to his house in to chill, he's just happy for my company.
3. We share the same music taste.
Music is a huge part of my identity. The music I listen to inspires my fashion choices and even my outlook on the world to some extent, so being with someone who shares an interest in the same music as I do, has always been important to me. I'm not going to talk about my music taste in this post as I'd honestly be here for weeks, detailing to you all the bands I love, but Chris and I have really similar tastes in music. There's honestly nothing better than getting ready for a date or just lying in bed, cuddling, and listening to each others favourite albums and sharing new music we've discovered with the other person.
4. Spending all day in bed together isn't boring.
Chris and I haven't had very much money at all in the past but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying ourselves and making the most of our time together - even if that means just lounging around in bed. When we're spending time in bed we sit and talk for hours on end, watch Netflix, pig-out on vegan food and at some point take a nap. Some of our happiest memories have been made in the four walls of Chris' room.
5. We turn the house into a 'spa' and have pamper days.
They usually go something like this... We take a relaxing bath or shower together until one of us feels like we're overheating and going to pass out from having the water on too hot for too long. Chris then dries and brushes my hair for me, before we paint our nails. I swear Chris paints his just to humour me but I find it adorable. His favourite nail polish colour is black, or he likes to paint them white before painting over them with that black nail polish that cracks. He's totally fascinated by it. We also give each other massages but I must admit that end up scrounging a way longer massage than he gets.
6. Neither of us have a filter.
I think being able to speak your mind on virtually everything is one of the most amazing parts of being in a long term relationship with someone who you trust completely and love hearing their thoughts on anything and everything. Sometimes I find myself voicing everything I'm thinking, out loud when I'm with Chris without thinking about it. Speaking so openly about the weirdest things that pop into our heads, free of judgement from the other person is oddly cathartic. Chris is the only person I've ever met who truly knows who I am and understands me.
7. He takes care of me better than anyone else, especially when I'm on my period.
Chris is one of the most caring people I've ever met and he knows exactly how to make me feel better when I'm on my period. During the first couple of days when the pain's usually worse, he does so much for me, including making sure a hot water bottle is a permanent fixture on my back and/or tummy, he cooks all our meals and always makes sure I've got a warm drink in my hand, with a constant supply of snacks.
One of the cutest things he's done is clear out shelf space for me in his room and then stocked it with sanitary products and some of his comfy clothes that I can change into when I get to his house if I've been out in the rain or just want something baggy and cosy to chill in.
8. Binge watching boxsets is one of our favourite hobbies.
Our favourite past time by far is cuddling up with loads of food, to spend the entire day binge watching boxsets. Some of our favourites at the moment include Dexter, Orange Is the New Black, The Vampire Diaries, Peep Show and Archer. We're both really loyal to our binge watching sessions so when we've agreed to watch a show together, (sometimes if one of us has watched the entire thing already we go back and watch the whole thing with the other person, just to see their reaction) neither of us watches ahead without the other person.
9. We wear each other's clothes.
Whenever one of us buys a new piece of clothing, whether that be anything from a mini-shirt and heels to boxers and suits, we have a tradition where we have to try on what the other person bought. It's also great that Chris and I are similar sizes so if either of us wants to borrow a t-shirt or a pair of shorts from the other person, then we can totally get away with wearing things from the other person's wardrobe and it doesn't look out of place.
10. Everything we do together feels like an adventure.
Whilst we're both more than capable of doing things on our own or with other people, we're in agreement that doing things together makes us the happiest. Even the most mundane tasks like food shopping or going for a walk, are made so much more fun and feel like an adventure when we do them together.
Let me know in the comments or by tweeting me if your significant other is also your best friend and why. I'd love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. If you enjoyed it and are feeling particularly lovely, please share it around as that would really help me out.
Amy x