Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tuesday Rambles

Hellllooooo everyone, since it's been over a week since my last blog post and I still haven't come up with any amazing ideas, I thought I'd just have a bit of a ramble and see where it takes me...

A few days ago I visited Chester Zoo; admittedly I was feeling quite pessimistic about the whole trip, especially because family days out aren't really my thing. Being an animal lover meant that my attitude soon changed and I found myself saying, "I just want to cuddle it!" to every single creature I saw, despite knowing that a lot of them would probably eat me alive. My favourite zoo animals by far are elephants. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because they remind me a lot of myself, that being, slow and not really being that interested in doing a great deal.

As some of you will know iPhone batteries are not the greatest and so unfortunately I didn't get chance to take any photos that were really worth posting.

Prior to this I also received my GCSE results which I am relieved with to say the least!

I also went bowling with a group of friends, something I wouldn't normally do because I thought I hated it. I actually really enjoyed myself; we all had a great catch up and I bought myself some nachos and chilli sauce. I don't think that day could have gotten any better!

Mary, Ria, Me, Eleanor, Jade, Anna and Zoe

Nachos make me very happy :)

This has been a really pointless and poorly written ramble but please excuse me because it's past my bedtime, yawn...

Amy x

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