Sunday, 5 January 2014

My New Year's Resolutions

Hello lovelies,

Long time no see. Wow, it's been months since I last made a blog post but since it's the new year I thought I'd make a few changes to my life, updating my blog more regularly being one of them! For the first time in my life I've decided to make promises to myself that I'm going to try my best to keep (I'm really bad at keeping promises to myself but I'm going to try my best -.-). I've come up with seven resolutions that I thought I'd share with you below (I tried to think of ten but failed).

1. Blog More - As I mentioned briefly above I'm going to update my blog more regularly. I started this blog in 2013 with the hope that I'd make at least one post every month if not more, however that didn't happen. During 2014 I will update my blog at least once a month and make a list of ideas in advance so that I'm not stuck for anything to write!

2. Exercise - When it reaches the end of Christmas many people begin to panic about their weight and join a gym at the start of the New Year with the intention of getting into shape. Actually having the motivation to get up of the sofa and go to the gym is usually the biggest task not the physical workout itself. I don't plan on joining a gym this January as I can't afford it but I'm definitely going to do some form of exercise everyday, not to lose weight but to improve my fitness as my stamina is appalling and I'm an extremely lazy person. I don't think it would do me any harm to tone up a bit.

3. Healthy Eating - I already know that this is going to be the most difficult but I really do need to make an effort to eat healthier foods and to eat regular meals. I'm used to snacking and then only picking at my meals because I'm too full from all the snacks which isn't healthy at all. As much as I'd love to be able to live off fruit and vegetables and really healthy foods I know that that isn't going to happen, let alone practical. Since starting sixth form I eat virtually no fruit and veg whatsoever so as part of my New Year's Resolutions I'm going to eat at least one piece of fruit or veg everyday. It doesn't sound like a lot but when you're used to living off bacon butties, chips and cake all day at college you kind of turn down stuff that grows on trees or in the ground. Somehow they don't taste as good.

4. Read and Write More - I feel that during 2013 I haven't read as many books as I could and would like to have done. However, I have written an awful lot over the past year, mainly in the form of diaries along with some (terrible) poetry, which we will speak no more of and I've started writing a few stories. The majority of my 'passion' for reading especially, is taken up by college work and even writing sometimes has become a bit of a chore as my energy is used up on essays. In 2014 I'm going to spend more time writing for myself and I'm going to read more books like I used to.

5. Step away from Tumblr - This website is both the best and worst thing to happen to me. It takes up the entirety of my free time and the majority of the time that I should be spending doing college work. It's changed my perspective on a lot things though and it's given me the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world without me even leaving the house which in my opinion is fucking insane! I've decided that I spend far too much time reblogging the same photos over and over again so it's time to find other things to occupy my time, like, I don't know, college work perhaps…

6. Find a job - Admittedly, this one is going to be difficult given the lack of jobs in Britain at the moment but I'd really love to have a small weekend and holiday job to earn a few extra pennies. This way I don't have to rely on my parents for money to buy clothes and go out with friends.

7. Travel - As much as I'd love to go travelling around the world it just isn't practical right now and I don't have the money to be able to afford it sigh. I don't tend to venture out of the house much unless it's to go out with friends or go to college so I'd like to spend more time this year exploring outdoors and taking photos of my adventures.

I forgot to say in the intro I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all a very happy 2014.

Amy xxx

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