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Instagram: amy_96_ |
Hello my lovelies, I've finally managed to find the time to sit down and write this blog post after what feels some of the most hectic weeks I've had for a while. If you're subscribed to my YouTube channel then you've probably already seen that a couple of weeks ago I picked up my A Level results and I could not be more
I spent the days leading up to results day feeling extremely anxious because I knew that if I didn't get the grades that the universities were asking for, then I wouldn't get a place on my course. Since I had my heart set on studying Multimedia Journalism, there was no way I could have chosen any other course had I not got the results the university was asking for.
Since I finished sitting my exams at some point in June... or July (I can't even remember, that's how much I've suppressed all of this), I gave pretty much next to no thought to results day. Over the summer I've kept myself immersed in blogging, YouTubing and seeing my friends which helped massively in taking my mind off the dreaded day.
I awoke on the morning of results day and I felt dreadful, not because I was scared of getting my results at this point but because I was awake for the first time before 12am for weeks. As I also knew I would be picking my results up in a couple of hours time I decided that the best course of action for my still, sleepy self at this point would be to stay tucked up in bed and browse through the internet as my duvet (I don't know about yours) is able to protect me from ghosts, murderers and also envelopes that contain your A-Level results. I figured that if I stayed in bed it would help me to think that none of this was real and I could pretend the whole thing was just a bad dream.
Of course it wasn't, so when I finally did manage to drag myself out of bed, the anxiety of knowing what the day meant, hit me so hard that there was no way I'd be able to eat any breakfast without throwing up. The only thing I managed to stomach was a brew and as I was sipping my morning cup of tea I received an email from my first choice of university saying that I had got in. I don't honestly think that I'll ever forget the feeling of overwhelming relief that I felt at that moment. I have to say that running through to the living room to tell my parents that I was actually going to uni, held the same level of pure joy and excitement that I felt as a child on Christmas day at seeing all my presents in front of me.
This took the pressure off quite a lot when I went to pick my results up because I knew that they couldn't be that bad if I'd gotten into my first choice of university. Whenever I go to pick up results I always try to avoid eye contact and speak to as few people as I can. My aim is to pick up my results, open them in a quiet corner alone and then leave. I honestly don't know how some people manage to converse both before and after opening their results, the experience of opening my envelope is enough for me.
Now to the part that the majority of you actually cam here for... my grades. Overall I have achieved a B in English Language, a C in English Literature and a C in Sociology. I'm so so happy and massively relieved with the grades that I got. I've found the last two years particularly challenging because I find revision extremely difficult to sit down and put my mind to, especially when it's about things I have no real devout interest in. I know that I could have done a lot better had I really put my mind to revision but that fact that I managed to pass everything and get into my first choice of university whilst I felt pretty rubbish and lost in life is pretty good going.
So, in a few days time I'll be starting at university studying Multimedia Journalism and I could not be more excited. Whilst all my friends are moving away from me to universities all over the country, I'll be staying in Manchester and won't be moving out at all. Whilst this seemed like a 'no brainer' kind of decision to start with, I am slightly worried that I'll miss out on this 'uni life' that everyone seems to go on about and whilst it would be nice to have what everyone's describing as a fresh start, I know that living in accommodation with other people who aren't my family or Chris, would drive me mad. As I also live fairly close to the university anyway it would make more sense for me to live at home and save myself the debt and also save my clothes from the disasters I know would occur, should I move out and have to use a washing machine.
As my wardrobe was wearing pretty thin, my parents treated me to some new clothes as well as the supplies I'll need to help me through my course. I've got a video up on my YouTube channel (also below), showing you all the new things that I have for uni! I also went out into Manchester for results night but that's definitely a story for another time. Once I'd recovered from that night out, Chris and I drank a celebratory bottle of Prosecco because he's knows that that's my favourite way to celebrate any special occasion (and weekends).
I also have an advice video up surrounding going back to school, college and uni where I answer the questions that you left me. You can also watch that here too!
Thank you so much to everyone who's managed to read the entirety of this blog post. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my A Level results and my thoughts on starting university. I can't wait to share more with you in the months to come.
Amy x
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